Ashley Reyes

Ashley Reyes is an elementary music teacher currently teaching in North East ISD in San Antonio, TX. She is in her 6th year at a dual language, Title 1 campus where she teaches Kinder through 5th grade. Ashley received her Bachelor of Music Education degree from Baylor University with a choral concentration. She received their Outstanding Music Educator’s Award in 2019. In 2023, she received her campus’ Trinity Prize for Excellence in Teaching. She received her Orff Level 1 certificate from Trinity Orff, and has participated in recent workshops provided by MusicPlayOnline, Central Texas Orff, TMEA, and Carnegie Hall’s Summer Music Educators Workshop. She has been using MusicPlayOnline since 2019, and sharing/presenting on its value and resources within her district the past 2 years.

Throughout the school year, she leads a 4th and 5th grade choir that performs around the community and occasionally pre-game for the San Antonio Spurs. A typical school year includes 6 grade level performances – 2 musicals, 1 informance, 1 folk dance festival & competition, and 2 smaller performances of varying types as well as a family percussion night for upper grade levels. Ashley is often collaborating with other music departments in NEISD, as well as her school’s family specialist and librarian to host a variety of family engagement nights.

