Joyce Holoboff

Presenter bio coming soon!



Book a workshop with Joyce Holoboff


  • Willing to travel!


  • Other: $300
  • Travel fees: Negotiated after booking.

Presenter Notes

In-person on weekdays (if sub is paid), weekends, and Zoom weekdays after 3:30 PM MST All sessions run 60-90 mins. If the session is during a school day, then I would also have sub costs (approx. $130 for half day and $260 for full day); Mileage if travel is required (current rate is .58/km).

Available Sessions

Teaching Recorders and Loving It!

The recorder has been given a bad rap! As one of the most accessible and affordable instruments, the much-maligned recorder can and should be a staple in your elementary music program. Joyce starts her recorder program with Grade 3 students, and in this session she will present tried and true strategies for starting your students off right and keeping them engaged. Also included will be ideas for assessment and for using recorder martial arts as a motivational tool.

Fun & Games in the Music Room

Teaching and reinforcing musical concepts, social skills, multicultural music - all of this can happen in the playing of music games - along with having lots of fun!! Plus, music games are one of the most effective ways to engage reluctant singers. In this session, Joyce will introduce new game material and some “greatest hits” game activities which will bring enjoyment and learning to your music room.

Help! I have to teach K-3 Music.

Does the prospect of teaching your own classroom music have you quaking in your boots? This session is designed to take you from terrified to terrific! You will come away from this session with a handout of songs, games, activities and strategies to teach curricular outcomes in engaging ways. If you’ve never taught music or are a reluctant singer, you will learn strategies and resources to have you and your students loving music time!!

Rockin' Rhythms - Games and Activities to Teach and Assess Rhythm

Get ready to clap, stomp, race and play! In this highly interactive session, Joyce will demonstrate a variety of fun activities to teach, reinforce and assess rhythms concepts for Div. I and II music.

Best Bang-For-Your-Buck Songs

Learn or rediscover some key songs that “have it all”! These great songs can be used to teach, reinforce, and assess multiple skills and concepts while keeping enjoyment and engagement high. This session will provide tips and tricks for taking best advantage of these multi-use songs.